Why Customer Success and Marketing Go Hand in Hand

Even though customer service and marketing are two very different divisions within a business, both play a vital role in a company’s success. But if the marketing department are dogs and the customer service team are cats, how do you make sure they work together to create the perfect union?

Read on to learn how customer service and marketing go hand in hand.

Peas in a Pod

Businesses both large and small need to stay connected and work together, regardless of division. In fact, your marketing team and customer service division should be the core of your business. Customer service is the hallmark of any company. It’s the point of contact for positive feedback and customer complaints.

Working with the marketing team, customer service can create personalized inbound strategy that both positive and negative feedback. Integrating the two divisions allows you to respond to problems when they arise and refine your marketing efforts as needed. Customer success means being able to create content that sells while preserving your reputation and addressing problems as they become apparent.

Transform Challenges into Customer Success

When a customer contacts customer service with a complaint, they have to make a decision. They can either end their relationship with your company and share their less-than-ideal experience on social media, or they can give your company a chance to right what they feel is wrong.

It’s at this point where you need to take action because if they option two, you can then view this customer through a marketing perspective, making sure they feel valued as an individual. To make this happen, you need to be consistent with your message in every department within your company.

From CEO to the person who sorts the mail, your success is based on your company’s ability to be consistent with your message. Simply put, disgruntled customers should be able to see the change they were promised in your marketing campaigns. They need to see that you listened and implemented changes to prevent the same thing from happening again.

Rethink Your Strategy

Improving communication between customer and marketing teams is the best place to start. Combining their efforts and focusing on style guides to manage both marketing campaigns as well as reputation management is the best of both worlds. Look at the metrics of both teams and use those to create new goals. If they two departments work together, create a new set of goals that cover both teams.

In a perfect world, you’re able to market to everyone and never hear a complaint. You meet your benchmarks and never miss an opportunity. While some companies do accomplish this lofty goal, most fall short. If you continually find yourself falling into category two, you might want to take a closer look at the internal workings of your business and find ways to improve repertoire between customer service and marketing departments. As with any type of business strategy, it’s never only every man for his or herself